Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Public Key Encryption Algorithm for Network Security

Enhanced Public Key Encryption Algorithm for Security of Network

Abstract -- Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, and the military. With the advent of the internet,
security became a major concern and the history of security allows a better understanding of the emergence of security technology. The internet
structure itself allowed for many security threats to occur. When the architecture of the internet is modified it can reduce the possible attacks that can be
sent across the network. Knowing the attack methods, allows for the appropriate security to emerge. By means of firewalls and encryption mechanisms
many businesses secure themselves from the internet. The businesses create an "intranet" to remain connected to the internet but secured from
possible threats. Data integrity is quite a issue in security and to maintain that integrity we tends to improve as to provides the better encryption
processes for security. In our proposed work we will make encryption harder with enhanced public key encryption protocol for security and will discuss
the applications for proposed work. We will enhance the hardness in security by improving the Diffie-Hellman encryption algorithm by making changes or
adding some more security codes in current algorithm.

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Security Weaknesses in PGP

Academic Endeavors at Pennsylvania State University

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

System and methods for UICC-based secure communication

A system that incorporates the subject disclosure may include, for example, instructions which when executed cause a device processor to perform operations comprising sending a service request to a remote management server; receiving from the management server an authentication management function and an encryption key generator for execution by a secure element and an encryption engine for execution by a secure device processor, sending a request to establish a communication session with a remote device; and communicating with the remote device via a channel established using an application server. The secure element and the secure device processor authenticate each other using a mutual authentication keyset. The secure element, the secure device processor and the device processor each have a security level associated therewith; the security level associated with the secure device processor is intermediate between that of the secure element and that of the device processor. Other embodiments are disclosed.

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